In Consideration of the 60″+_ Rough Opening for your Garden Gate
It is rare that anyone passes through a door that is less than 32″ width. Only closet doors and pantry doors meet this criteria, and as a result, creating a gate at such a narrow opening will find your visitors passing through with shoulders turned–an unaware reaction to having so seldom confronted any openings or doorways less than 32″.
For this reason, and because many landscaped walkways and paths default to 60″ width, we offer this page to illustrate a few options available beyond that of a double gate with two equal 30″ single gates and folks shuffling along sideways as if they were shadows.
A single span gate.
Although Prowell offers single gates up to 72″ width (without steel frames), the truth is that fewer folks are accustomed to negotiating a 72″ wide gate than they are a 32″ wide gate. A cumbersome width that becomes considerably less so at 60″. The gate itself opens and closes with the same ease and action as the ball-bearing hinges they are hinged on.And yet a 60″ wide gate is expensive, as well as presenting a more muscular aesthetic that may, or may not, be corroborated by the surrounding landscape and architecture.
Double Off-Set Gates.
Double gates have the conceded advantage of a greater opening available, when needed. Such as bringing out the trash or driving the mower from the back to the front yard. But for the vast majority of time, passage through double gates occurs through only one of the two double gates. The right gate–if approaching from the street, simply because most of us are right-handed and the ergonomics works better when reaching with our right hand for the latch on the left side of the gate– or residential door.If only one gate is negotiated 95% of the time, then the principle of an off-set makes sense. If the overall opening is, say, 60″ +_, the left, or fixed gate might be at 18″ width and the right, operable gate at a comfortable 42.
And yet by the nature of the division, many of the 130+ gate designs by Prowell require special consideration when confronted with an off-set option. Certain design details and grids, etc simply lend themselves to the off-set better than others.
Single gate flanked by two Fence Panels.
This option offers some pleasing results to a large number of landscaping dilemmas. It can help to create a focal point delineating the entry as a more unmistakable point of entry, while side-stepping the more muscular, or authoritative look of a single 60″ gate or what can often be a confusing miasma of double off-set gates.It does, however, require two additional posts. And as can be seen in the images below, these are, whenever possible, surfaced 4×4’s instead of the greater girth of 6×6 posts.
In the images below, you may also want to take note of the walkway–it’s width and where the gate posts are in relation to the walkway. Sometimes the posts are outside the walk, sometimes within the walk, and at other times they have been cut into the walk to where their outside edges are flush with the outside of the walk.
Wide Single-Span Gate at 60″ +_
Gate #31-10 in Fremont, CA
Rough opening between jambs: 69″. Height to spring-point: 72″. 2-¼” thickness.

Wide Single-Span Gate at 72″
Gate #87-1 in Pasadena, CA
Net gate width: 72″. Height from grade: 72″. 2-¼” thickness.
Wide Single-Span Gate at 57″
Gate #101-2 in Berkeley, CA
Net gate width: 57″. Height from grade: 57″. 2-¼” thickness.

Double Off-Set Gates
Double Off-Set Gate style #53-5 in Kailua, Hawaii. With a walkway at 67-1/2″ width. Against the stone wall on the right, a jamb was mounted directly to the block core. The jamb thickness equals the distance from the block core to the outermost stone, plus 1/2″ for swing clearance to clear the stone. To the jamb the post is lagged, eliminating the need to set this post through the existing walk surface and into the ground.
Shown with matching fence style #22
Double Off-Set Gates
The Double Off-sets come in all shapes and designs. The #38-7 rough opening is 65″.
Right gate: 42″. Left gate: 22″.
Double Off-Set Gates
Gate style #20
Rough opening: 67-7/8″. Right Gate: 42″. Left gate: 23-⅞”
The three hardware requirements for double, or double-off-set gates:
Gate latch—Gate stop–Cane bolt
Shown approaching the gate from the property side (Facing the street). From the street, the gate swings in toward the property.
Below is a list of links to the Double Off-Set gates scattered throughout the galleries. Follow the links and use your Back button to return to this page.

Single Gate with Narrow Flanking Panels
Gate style #2-12
Rough opening 65″. Gate net width: 42″ net
Flanking Panels: 6-½” net. Posts 3-½”
Gate style #32-4
Rough opening 72″. Gate net width: 42″ net
Flanking Panels: 10″ net. Posts 3-½”
Single Gate with Narrow Flanking Panels
Gate Style #7-14 in the Houston, Texas.
Gates style #60-1 with matching grid flanking panels.
Below is a list of links to Option C examples