Driveway Gates 7 is Base Price + 43%
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Featuring 7″-8″ solid grids
Note: Drive gates #7 is lumber-heavy, requiring a steel frame for overall rough opening widths over 10′. 

Born from the original style designed as a pedestrian gate style #87, the wood driveway security gates #7 features a dedicated series of interlocking grids with solid, floating panels. Identical on both sides.
*This is not a piece of plywood with strips of wood nailed in place.

WoodRX Mahogany.

Driveway security gates 7 in Pasadena, CA.


Showing the side of theprivacy wood driveway gates 7 facing the street.

Gate thickness: 2-1/4″
Horizontal / vertical grid dividers at 1-1/2″ thickness.
Insert panels: 3/4″ thickness

Automated vehicle drive gate 7.


Dadoing the intial step to the half-lap joints for the solid grid panels.

Woodworking techniques for building driveway gates.photo credit: Ben Prowell


Ben creating the end-cut joints for the typical wood driveway security gates 7.

Building a wood driveway gate.


Dry-fitting the cross-members grids. A rather complicated process, showing the dadoes for the half-laps solid panels as well as the rabbets to accept the panel inserts.  The property side of the gate prior to fitting the continuous ‘stops’.

Driveway gates 7.


Each solid grid panel has a drainage hole, as well as troughs to collect the moisture of heavy rains while migrating to the drainage.

Each grid divider of the wood privacy gates #7 is joined to the stiles and rails of the gate frame with full mortise and tenon joinery.



The top and bottom rail assembled prior to the two vertical stiles. The four outer solid panel insets are set to place, with all the remaining panels placed only after the stiles have been clamped in place. As a privacy gate, #7 is one of the more labor intensive designs.

Electric gates for driveways 7.


The top rail fitted and joined to the grid. Showing the stub of the full through-tenon prior to being joined to the vertical stile. The kerfs in the tenon are to accept the eventual wedges, which will separate the tenon to an even tighter fit. The through-tenons are secured in the rails with two locking pins set in through the dado of the rail.

The bottom right showing the thru-tenon, kerfed to accept the locking wedges once fitted to the vertical stiles.

Mortise and tenon gate 7.


Charles fitting the wedges to the full through-tenon of driveway gate 7.
See Prowell Joint #9

How to build wood driveway gates 7


The endless solid insert panels as the signature for the wood driveway security gates #7,  each of them sealed with a lifetime emulsified liquid wax to prevent the potential of checking and unnecessary absorption of moisture.

Solid panels for the 7.


The final step of Prowell’s Joint 9 set to the front entry gates #7 features a pair of oak dowels bored in from the top, down through the tenons as a final layer of insurance.

Also showing the property side where the insert panels are ‘stopped’. Each piece is glued and clamped in place.

And who among you really cares? Who really gives a hoot?
Well, obviously Charles and Ben do.
In the new era of the past 10 years, there exist more knock-offs of their products scattered across the country than originals.
So for those who prefer such an approach, we want to impress upon you the level of attention that is given to both the original design and construction of our products while presenting your more affordable hired gun with a level of ammunition he/she may, or may not, possess. May, or may not, be willing, or capable, of replicating.


wood fence
The Designs of Prowell Woodworks are protected by Patents and Patents Pending.

abstract separator
Gallery #1 Garden Gates
Gallery #1A Garden Gates
Gallery #1B Garden Gates
Gallery #1C Garden Gates
Gallery #200 Series Garden Gates Plus
Gallery #2 Driveway Gates
Gallery #3 Fences
Gallery #4 Arbors
Gallery #5 Columns
Gallery #6 Benches/Swings
Gates Pricing
Fences Pricing
Driveway Gates Pricing
Columns Pricing
