Garden Gate 109 is Base Price + 23%
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Base Price + 23%
Outdoor wood gates 109 features lower pickets at 3-1/4″ width x 1-1/2″ thickness, with 3/4″ spacing. A gabled top rail with a solid cornice relief and equal grid openings of approximately 6″. Gate thickness: 1-5/8″
Base Price + 23%
San Mateo, CA
Outdoor gate 109-1 in Silicone Valley. Showing a more pitched gable.

San Mateo, CA
The residence, with its primary and entry gables that ultimately lead to the design of the outdoor wood gable gates 109 in an effort to compliment the existing architecture.
Doing so was not as simple as it might seem. Our front entrance, the low railing on the left, and the urns out front are solid Greek Corinthian. And yet our eye is next drawn to the Tudor gable beams and the steep off-set pitch of the gabled roof and plastered (stucco) side-walls that have no relation to the Greeks (who were less aware of any British influence than they were of the pesky Roman army.). Lastly we’re drawn to the front window. Full sash separations, with the upper horizontal rectangles and the lower vertical rectangles, but ever so busy with a schematic of mullion dividers creating square lites that in the end has us pausing, taking a breath, and relishing the ingenuity of it all.
If you’re at an impasse with how to divest your spare time, take up urban hiking. Study the architecture. Pick it apart, detail by detail. Learn who the architect was and come to know them, locally, nationally, internationally. Recognize their work, their signature. No matter where you live, there are reachable neighborhoods worth strolling.